
Ortadoğu'da Sivil Toplum: İmkan ve Kısıtlılıklar

Filiz Cicioğlu (Ed.)

Türkiye'de sivil toplum konusu 1980'lerden itibaren akademik yazında yoğun bir şekilde tartışılırken, bu konu daha çok siyaset bilimi ve sosyoloji gibi alanların gündemindeydi. Konunun uluslararası ilişkiler ve dış politika ile ilgilenenler tarafından çalışılmaya başlanması daha çok 1990'lar sonrasına rastlamaktadır. Ortadoğu'da sivil toplumu hatta onun varlığını tartışmak ise Türkiye'deki akademik camianın pek ilgisini çekmemiş gibi görünüyor. Bu konuda...

İmparatorluğun Savaş Kararı

Ali Balcı, Tuncay Kardaş, İsmail Ediz, Yıldırım Turan

Why did the fracturing Ottoman Empire enter the Great War? Why did the Ottomans drag their feet for a period of three months although the alliance treaty stipulated that the Ottomans should enter the war against Russia if the latter fought with Germany? This book sets forth a neoclassical realist analysis of the war decision by the members of Ottoman foreign policy executive as the outcome of dynamic interactions between the systemic stimuli/structural modifiers and unit-level variables that...

The PKK-Kurdistan Workers’ Party’s Regional Politics During and After the Cold War

Ali Balcı

This book presents a theoretical framework to study dissident ethnic movements' imagination of world politics, with a special focus on the PKK as a case study. Dissident ethnic movements are not only a challenge to the existing hegemonic power, but they also produce an alternative closed society based on different ethnic imagination. Instead of taking the armed PKK movement as a pure resistant, this book approaches contemporary Kurdish nationalism led by the PKK as a counter-hegemonic with a...

The PKK-Kurdistan Workers’ Party’s Regional Politics During and After the Cold War

Ali Balcı

This book presents a theoretical framework to study dissident ethnic movements' imagination of world politics, with a special focus on the PKK as a case study. Dissident ethnic movements are not only a challenge to the existing hegemonic power, but they also produce an alternative closed society based on different ethnic imagination. Instead of taking the armed PKK movement as a pure resistant, this book approaches contemporary Kurdish nationalism led by the PKK as a counter-hegemonic with a...

Foreign Policy in the Greater Middle East: Central Middle Eastern Countries

Wolfgang Gieler, Kemal Inat

The present book intends primarily to provide the reader basic knowledge of the foreign policy of Middle Eastern countries. In order to create compatibility of the individiual contributions, the essays have a similar structure. The following items are examined in relations to the foreign policy of each state under discussion: - basic historical data regarding foreign policy and the applicable international envionment; - basic factors determining foreign policy (domestic and foreign systematic...

The Borders of Islam

Stig Jarle Hansen (ed), Atle Mesoy (ed), Tuncay Kardaş (ed)

In The Clash of Civilizations, Samuel Huntington argued that the borders between Western and Islamic civilizations would one day become the loci of cultural conflict. The statements of Osama Bin-Laden would seem to support this view. "This battle is not between al-Qaeda and the U.S.," he famously said in October of 2001. "This is a battle of Muslims against the Global Crusaders." These specially commissioned essays critically examine the virtual and actual borders of Islamic civilization....