Job Opportunities

Working at Middle East Institute


If you are going to be employed by Middle East Institute as an International Faculty member, the process starts at the Institute that wishes to employ you. The applicant sends necessary forms for the evaluation of the executive committee.


If the decision is positive, the second stage of the process starts. In this phase, the necessary documents are prepared and forwarded to the Personnel Department and are subsequently presented to the executive committee of the University for approval.


Once that in-university process is over, all faculty positions need the approval of the Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK). The necessary documents are submitted to YÖK on your behalf. The proposed "Contract for Foreign Personnel", along with supporting documents, is reviewed by the executive committee of YÖK.


In the next phase, YÖK notifies the University of its approval of the appointment.

YÖK also forwards a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for permission for the prospective faculty member to reside in Turkey for the duration of his/her contract.


When the Ministry of Internal Affairs then notifies the University (through YÖK) that permission has been granted, the process of official procedures is over. All these processing of documents take approximately 3 months.


Then, the successful candidate is invited to the Middle East Institute to sign the contract.


Once you are notified of the YÖK approval, you need to acquire a work visa from the Turkish Consulate closest to the place where you are living.


Since you have never worked in Turkey before and hence do not have a Tax ID number, you have to go to the Tax Agency in Serdivan to get a Tax ID number. The Middle East Institute can help to arrange an appointment and send someone with you there to help with any language barriers.


After signing contract and getting a Tax ID number, you, as a new faculty, should bring your Passport and a Tax ID number to the Personnel Department. Thereby, the Personnel Department notifies the Social Security Agency (SGK) that the University now officially employs you, and your social security benefits begin. The Personnel Department also notifies the University's Accounting Office so that they know the date from which you are officially employed. This is important for the start of your salary.


In order to get a Foreigner's ID Number, you must legally reside in Turkey for 6 months.